
My little chef

Thursday 7 October 2010

Carrot Seed Bread

adapted from Anne's Food
makes 20
1 sachet dried yeast
500 ml milk
50 ml golden syrup (molasses would work well, or honey)
1 tsp salt
100 ml neutral oil, such as canola
50 g crushed linseed
50 g sesame seeds
100 g dried apricots, finely chopped
200 g carrots, grated
1 kg high-protein bread flour
Add ingredients in order suggested by your breadmaker. Use the dough cycle.
Divide into 20 equal pieces (mine weighed about 100 g each), and shape into nice, firm rolls. Place on baking sheets, cover with a tea towel again and leave to rise for about 30 minutes.
Bake at 200°C for about 15 minutes. (I use a fan-assisted oven, it might take a bit longer in a regular one.)

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