
My little chef

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Baked vegetable frittata

 I have decided to finally get fit, now that I am well I intend to be healthy (does that make any sense?) Several years ago I lost a load of weight by going to my local  WeightWatchers meetings but now due to the miracle of the Internet I can do it all on-line. Don't worry though because the rest of the gang at the Mad House I call home will not be watching their food intake. This means I will still have to cater for their high calorie, indulgent tastes in food (why do you think that I need to diet in the first place). So more of those recipes to follow as well.
To help me lose weight I will include in my recipes the ProPoint value for each delicious creation. If you like me are struggling with the size of your assets then I hope that this may help you as well.


I hate aubergine with a vengeance but if you like you can add an aubergine and treat it the same as the courgette. 

1 medium courgette
10 sprays cooking spray (or oil if not watching your points)
1 medium onion
1 clove garlic
2 peppers
6 medium whole eggs
4 tablespoons skimmed milk
 2 teaspoons dried oregano
salt and pepper

Preheat the grill. Arrange the slices of courgette on the grill rack.Coat lightly with spray oil (or use a little oil). Grill each side for about 3 minutes.
Meanwhile, spray a non-stick frying pan with spray oil (or a little oil) and add the onion and garlic. Cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring often. Remove from the heat.
Preheat the oven to 190, gas mark 5.
Spray a 23cm (9 inch) round baking dish with cooking spray (or grease with butter). Add a layer of half the courgettes, half the peppers. Sprinkling each layer with some of the onion and garlic mixture. Then all the remaining courgette, and all the remaining peppers. Again sprinkle with onion and garlic.
Beat together the eggs, milk and herbs. Season with salt and pepper.
Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables. 
Bake in the oven for 25 minutes until set and golden brown.
Serve warm or cold. 

Serves 4
ProPoints value per serving is 3

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