
My little chef

Thursday 18 November 2010

Sweet potato bake

 I had 4 sweet potatoes that needed using up. This is what I came up with, omg it was delish.
1/2 cup milk
4 eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 clove garlic, halved

dry parsley
1/2 medium onion, chunked

4 medium sweet potato, cooked

Preheat oven to 375 F. 190 C.

Place ingredients in blender or processor, in order listed. Puree. Pour into greased casserole dish or pie plate and bake, uncovered 45 to 60 minutes or until cooked. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Blueberry Wojapi

Water to mix with flour to make a gravy or sauce mixture.
3/4 cup flour
1 cup sugar
3 cans water
1 can blueberries

Put the blueberries into a medium sauce pan.

Add 3 cans water to blueberries.

Add the sugar and mash the blueberries.

Heat until boiling.

Slowly add the flour paste to make a gravey like mixture.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Sweet Potato Pie

 This sounds delish, gonna have to try it

The recipe!


You'll need:
1 lb sweet potatoes
1 stick butter, room temperature
(vegan margarine)
1 cup sugar 
1/2 cup cream
(soya cream)
3 eggs
(1 egg = 1 Tbsp. oil + 2 tsp. baking powder
2 egg = 4 Tbsp. cornflour)
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 banana
pinch of salt
1 recipe All Butter Pie Crust, prepared in a 9 inch pie plate

Preheat oven to 350F. Wrap sweet potatoes in foil, and bake for an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes. They should be very soft when pierced with a fork.
Simultaneously, roast unpeeled banana on a baking sheet for 30 minutes in the same oven. Remove and set aside. Banana will be extremely soft. 
Remove sweet potatoes from oven, unwrap them and allow them to cool until comfortable to handle. Remove the skins, and place the flesh in a mixing bowl. Mash potaotes with a fork. Pull the peel off the banana and add it to the bowl. Mix with sweet potato.
With a mixer, beat butter into sweet potato and banana. Add sugar, cream, eggs, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla and salt, and mix unti well incorporated. Mixture should be very smooth.
Pour filling into the unbaked pie crust.
Bake at 350F for just at an hour, until a skewer or toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Milk Chocolate Cheesecake

How to make the classic cheesecake even creamier? Add milk chocolate with a dark cookie crust for kicks.

Oven Temp: 350
1 package(s) (9 ounces) chocolate cookies
6 tablespoon(s) margarine melted 
2 package(s) (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup(s) sugar
2 tablespoon(s) sugar
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 cup(s) whole milk
 2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
1 bag(s) (11.5 ounces) milk chocolate chips, melted
1 1/2 cup(s) sour cream
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In food processor with knife blade attached, pulse chocolate cookies until fine crumbs form. Add butter to crumbs and pulse several times to combine. Transfer cookie mixture to 9-inch springform pan; press onto bottom and about 2 inches up side of pan to form crust. Bake crust 10 minutes. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.
In large bowl, with mixer on medium speed, beat cream cheese, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 minutes or until smooth, occasionally scraping bowl with rubber spatula. Reduce speed to low. Add eggs, milk, and vanilla, and beat just until blended, occasionally scraping bowl. Add chocolate and beat until combined.
Pour cream-cheese mixture into crust. Bake cheesecake 45 minutes (cheesecake will jiggle slightly in center). Meanwhile, in small bowl, stir sour cream and remaining 2 tablespoons sugar until sugar dissolves; set aside.
Remove cheesecake from oven. Gently spread sour-cream mixture evenly on top of cheesecake. Return cheesecake to oven and bake 5 minutes longer to set sour cream.
Remove cheesecake from oven and cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cover and refrigerate at least 6 hours until well chilled, or up to 3 days.

No-Bake Cheesecake

Move over, New York cheesecake — there's a newcomer in town: one that has fewer than half the calories and less than 60 percent of the fat, but still boasts the classic's luscious decadence. The sugary glaze is gone, in favor of fresh raspberries. And with no need to bake, it's a guilt-free treat any fast-moving city (or country) slicker could love.
24  reduced-fat biscuits
2 tablespoon(s) margarine melted

    1 envelope unflavored gelatin, can use vegetarian replacement
    1 large lemon 
    3 tablespoon(s) water 
    1/4 cup(s) water
    2 package(s) (8 ounces each) reduced-fat cream cheese, softened
    3/4 cup(s) sugar
     1 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
    1 1/2 cup(s) low-fat buttermilk
    Raspberries, for garnish
    Lightly coat 9-inch springform pan with cooking spray. Line bottom with parchment paper; spray paper. In food processor with knife blade attached, pulse biscuits until fine crumbs form. Add butter; pulse until well combined. Transfer to prepared pan; press onto bottom in even layer. Refrigerate.
    In small bowl, evenly sprinkle gelatin over 3 tablespoons water. Let stand 5 minutes. Meanwhile, from lemon, grate 2 teaspoons peel and squeeze 1 tablespoon juice. In 1 1/2-quart saucepan, heat juice and water to boiling on medium-high. Remove from heat. Immediately add gelatin mixture (or use as instructions for your vegetarian type); stir until dissolved. Return to small bowl; let cool.
     In large bowl, with mixer on medium-high speed, beat cream cheese and sugar 5 minutes or until fluffy and smooth. Beat in lemon peel and vanilla. Reduce speed to low. Add buttermilk, then gelatin mixture, in steady stream. Beat 2 minutes or until well combined, occasionally scraping bowl.
    Pour onto prepared crust. Refrigerate, uncovered, 4 to 6 hours or until set. Run knife around side of pan; unmold cheesecake. Serve with raspberries.

    Delicious Apple Tart Recipe



    1 cup (130 grams) all-purpose flour

    1/3 cup (35 grams) confectioners (powdered or icing) sugar

    1/2 cup (1 stick) (113 grams) cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces


    One 8-ounce (227 grams) cream cheese, at room temperature

    1/4 cup (50 grams) granulated white sugar

    1 large egg

    1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


    1/4 cup (50 grams) granulated white sugar

    1/2 teaspoon (2 grams) ground cinnamon

    4 cups (500 ml) Granny Smith apples, peeled and cut into 1/4 inch (.6 cm) slices (about 3-4 large apples)

    1/3 cup (35 grams) sliced almonds


    Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven.  Grease (or spray with Pam) a 9 inch (22 cm) springform pan.

    In the bowl of your food processor place the flour and sugar. Pulse to blend together. Add butter and pulse until dough just begins to come together. Pat the dough onto the bottom and one inch (2.5 cm) up the sides of the pan. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator while you make the filling.

    In a food processor process the cream cheese until smooth. Add the sugar and mix well. Blend in the egg and vanilla extract and process until smooth. Remove the crust from the fridge and pour in the filling. Return to refrigerator while you prepare the topping.

    Combine the sugar and cinnamon in a large bowl.  Toss the sliced apples in the sugar mixture. Spoon the apples evenly over the cream cheese layer and sprinkle with almonds. Place the springform pan on a larger baking sheet to catch the drips.

    Bake at 450 degrees F (230 degrees C) for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 400 degrees F (205 degrees C) and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown (apples are soft when pierced with a fork), and filling is almost set.   Remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar and serve at room temperature.  Leftovers can be covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated.

    Makes 1 - 9 inch (22 cm) tart


    Saturday 6 November 2010

    Homemade yoghurt


    1 litre milk
    6 heaped tablespoons dried milk powder
    6 tbsp live, plain  yoghurt


    Boil a litre of milk (this kills any 'non-yoghurt bacteria' in the milk), then allow it to cool to about 45 degrees. Don't start making the yoghurt before the milk has cooled sufficiently, because the heat will kill the 'good bacteria'.
    Now add the pot of live yoghurt and milk powder, stir it in
    Cover the bowl with a lid or some cling film, wrap it in a towel and put it somewhere warm - in an airing cupboard or above a radiator are good places. Alternatively, you can pour the mixture into a warmed, wide-mouthed Thermos flask and seal.
    I use a bowl placed over a pan off warm water, I just keep checking the water temp. Gently heat the water as necessary.
    The process of yoghurt making takes 8-10 hours: too short and the yoghurt will be of a less thick consistency; too long and the curds and whey start to separate
    If you’d like a thicker finish, you can strain the yoghurt through a muslin-lined sieve over a bowl in the fridge for a few hours.

    Homemade Yogurt Cottage Cheese


    makes about 225 g or 1 cup cheese.
    30 ml (2 tbls) natural (plain) yogurt
    1.15 litre (2 pt) 5 cups milk


    1. Put the yogurt into a large bowl and gradually stir in the milk.

    2. Cover the bowl and leave it in a warm place for 4 days.

    3. Scald and cool an old glass cloth or piece of cheesecloth or fine muslin.

    4. Stand a colander in a large dish and lay the cloth inside.

    5. Pour the soured milk into the cloth.

    6. Tie the corners of the cloth together and hang it up with a dish underneath so that the whey can drip out.

    7. Leave it for 24 hours.

    8. Unwrap the cheese, turn it into a bowl and mix well with a spoon.