
My little chef

Saturday 1 May 2010

Steaming puddings in your slow cooker

Any recipe for steamed pud can be steamed in your slow cooker.
Turn your slow cooker onto full to heat up.
Prepare your recipe as normal.
Place in a greased pudding bowl.
Grease a piece of baking parchment and fold in half so that the greased sides are together.
Next fold about 10cm over again and crease strongly.
Open up the main area of parchment leaving only this final fold closed on top of your paper.
This pleat will allow your pudding to rise.
Place your greased baking parchment over the top and tie with string.
Place (carefully) an upside down saucer in the bottom of your slow cooker.
Place your pudding basin on top of the saucer.
Carefully pour in boiling water until you are halfway up the side of your basin.
Place the lid on your slow cooker and steam for 2 hours.
I guarantee you will never steam puds any other way again.
Here's my recipe for:-
Chocolate steamed sponge recipe
100g (4oz) margarine
100g (4oz) caster sugar
2 medium eggs
2oog (7oz) self-raising flour
25g (1oz) cocoa powder
2x15ml spoon milk
Cream margarine and sugar; beat in the eggs one at a time with a little flour.
Fold in remaining flour and milk.
Once cooked serve with custard.

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