
My little chef

Saturday 22 October 2011

Vegan chocolate cake

If you only bake one vegan cake, make it this one. It is definitely my favourite sweet vegan treat.
This basic sponge recipe works in a variety of ways. It can make a sandwich cake (two round/square tins sandwiched together with butter icing i.e. typical birthday cake), or loads of fairy cakes, or a single square/rectangle tray bake sized tin.
For some reason though it doesn’t seem to work in a loaf tin, too gooey and took ages to cook.
Anyhow, this cake was one of the first I made back in February and I can’t tell you how chuffed I was that good quality chocolate cake was back on the menu. Since then I’ve probably make this cake over ten times. The latest version was a birthday cake for my beautiful Mum and she loved it. Every one loves it. Make it now. Go on. I don’t care what time it is. Just do it. You’ll thank me.
I first got this recipe online at Cooking for Vegans so this is who I will credit, however I have seen this recipe doing the rounds on plenty of sites since which only goes to show how popular it is! I have used both castor and dark brown sugar and both work well. The brown sugar gives it a really fudgey taste and texture so I tend to opt for that if I can. I have tried it with wholemeal flour too as I’m always looking for a ‘healthy angle’ as an excuse to eat chocolate cake. But alas, although it was edible, it was a bit too worthy for me.


  • 250g plain flour
  • 50g cocoa
  • 1tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 250g sugar (castor or dark brown)
  • 125g vegan marge
  • 300ml soya milk (sweetened or unsweetened is fine)
  • 2tbsp golden syrup


  1. Sieve flour, cocoa and bicarb then mix together in large bowl.
  2. Add sugar now if using castor sugar. (If using dark brown sugar then add this to the wet ingredients).
  3. Melt marge, syrup and milk in a saucepan. (Add dark sugar now if using).
  4. When melted, add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour batter into cake tins. (Mixture should be fairly runny, don't panic).
  6. Bake at 170 for about 35mins.

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